Southern War Songs Camp-Fire, Patriotic & Sentimental

200+ Song Lyrics Collected, Arranged & Illustrated, By W. L. Fagan - online songbook

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Our mothers are praying- for us, our darling- sisters too; Our sweethearts—ah ! God bless them! what can',t we dare
or do? With our country's rights and darling ones emblazon'd on
our shields, We'll fight with God's protection, till each base invader yields.
In thinking of our cause, boys, and all we love at home, These hard grains to heavenly manna have miraculously
turn'd; And from this battered old canteen I've drained a nectar
sweet; 'Tis the heart that makes the banquet, and not what we
have to eat.
Soon will we hail brave "Stonewall!" in Mary-land set free! And our "Old Line" Chief* with his Texas boys shall shout
for his victory. With the Cross and Stars then wreathed in flowers, we'll turn
our steps again, To the hearts and homes that sigh for us, on our proud
prairie plain; Then with gentle hands to tend us, and the chalice for
canteen, With our rights all won, we'll rest us, bo37s, in peace and joy
* Colonel J. J. Archer.